Converting the blog from WordPress to Hugo

Yesterday, I shutdown the VPS that has been hosting all my websites for the last ~10 years. I’ve moved everything to static content, including this website. 📝 WordPress Since the very beginning (~2008) this blog has been powered by WordPress, it served me well, it worked, had a nice backend to make the posts, plugins and themes. After a couple years I moved from shared hosting to a VPS, I had other websites and services I needed running and all in same machine was better and cheaper....

January 27, 2024 · 6 min · 1253 words · David Amador

Unity enshittification round 2, moving on to custom tech.

After mostly a week of anxiety, for thousands and thousands of developers, Unity changed the rules again, and first glance, it’s better for the immediate problems it would cause for active and in-development games. They removed the retroactive aspect of the “pay-per-game-install”, so only for someone on Unity 2023 LTS+ (launching next year) will that apply, current projects will not be affected. Small relief, as long as we can keep using existing versions with current Terms of Service....

September 24, 2023 · 4 min · 684 words · David Amador

The Unity enshittification, proprietary tech dangers, and mostly not talking about what I'm doing.

So this was an “eventful” week in the game dev community. Unity, one of the most well know, and used game engines out there, after years of doing mostly good for the community, pulled a reverse card and broke years of trust the community had on them. Unity announced that they are retroactively charging (for example $0.2) for each game install, after developers hit a certain yearly revenue threshold, which sounds insane....

September 16, 2023 · 4 min · 830 words · David Amador

What is Mastodon, and why does it matter that it's decentralised?

> At the bottom of the article I added a couple links that help finding your Twitter following/followers on Mastodon and follow them With the recent Twitter purchase, change of ownership and rules, a lot of people are leaving the platform or just searching for alternatives. Among other platforms one that keeps showing up as an alternative is Mastodon, but change is always hard, some people have been on Twitter for years, so what exactly makes this any different?...

November 6, 2022 · 5 min · 943 words · David Amador

Merged personal and studio blogs into one

I have no idea how many people, if any, are still subscribed to this blog RSS feeds, but if they are, they probably saw a couple of new posts in burst yesterday, apologies. This happened because I decided to merge all the posts from my studio into this one for “cleaning house”. I’ve been thinking about it for a while that I have these 2 blogs mostly abandoned and it’s a shame, I used to be very active, but IRL stuff and especially Twitter and QoD launch got me busy elsewhere and I mostly abandoned blogging, which I enjoyed a lot....

November 2, 2022 · 4 min · 729 words · David Amador

Vizati 10th anniversary and making if free.

> Hey everyone, wow ok so first of all it’s been a long time since my last post, I keep telling myself I need to return to do more regular posts, but twitter kinda replaced it in many ways for my daily-rambles. However I’ve been trying to work on something new and gotta get back to more regular blogging, but more on that later. Second, but not least important, Vizati is turning 10 years old today (11 June 2010), feels only yesterday we (me coding and Rita with the art) were doing the first puzzles and trying to figure out the best way for making this a fun game....

June 11, 2020 · 2 min · 368 words · David Amador

Some thoughts about a 4 year game dev cycle

As I’m starting to write this post I’m on my way to my home town for the holidays, so I may not post it in a couple days. It’s been a crazy year(s)(?) and I’m taking these near 4h of travel to write down some things. I’m sorry if it’s incoherent, this is mostly a dump of thoughts. For those who follow my work a bit more closely you probably know that for almost 4 years the project I dedicated more time was Quest of Dungeons, which started development in 2013....

December 29, 2016 · 9 min · 1904 words · David Amador

year review log 2015

Can’t believe it’s almost new year again. It became a habit of mine to to hit pause for a couple minutes, look back, write about it and think about what’s next, this helps me to sort things out. Thank you I have to start with something, a big Thank You for all the people who purchased QoD, everyone who helped spreading the word, the ones who wrote emails, tweeted and help my solo developer work became an even better thing to do....

December 31, 2015 · 5 min · 856 words · David Amador

year review log 2014

WOW, 2014 is already coming to an end. Can’t even believe the amount of things that happened to me this year, some bad, some good, I decided to make a wall of text. This was been a great year for my game dev objectives. In January I got Quest of Dungeons approved on Steam in only 6 days, which was mind blowing, on March 25th I finally got it released, and during the rest of the year several other platforms got a port, like Linux and Android, both platforms that I never had worked before, so I learned a lot....

December 31, 2014 · 2 min · 415 words · David Amador

I'm a Xbox One developer now, QoD getting a port

So a lot has happened since my last post. Even before EGX I was already in talks with Microsoft for becoming a Xbox One developer and maybe get Quest of Dungeons to XO. I was extremely happy when they accepted both, so right now I’m working on porting the game to Xbox One. I don’t think this would have been possible without all the gamers that have played and are still playing the game, that’s what brought all the positive vibe surrounding the game, so a big thank you....

December 14, 2014 · 2 min · 220 words · David Amador

EGX 2014

I had the chance of going to EGX in London this year with Quest of Dungeons. The whole show lasted 4 days and it was AMAZING, met tons of players, and a lot of developers. Everyone was super friendly, so I had a lot of fun. This was the first time I did something like this, so it was a very good way to get feedback and talk in person with players and even some fans of the game....

October 3, 2014 · 1 min · 127 words · David Amador

Quest of Dungeons is now available

I’m pleased to announce that Quest of Dungeons is finally out. I didn’t get to make a post on day one, and it’s been nearly two weeks since launch but these past 2 weeks have been one crazy roller coaster. It was released on March 25th, for PC, Mac and iOS. You can get it on Steam, iOS App Store or directly from the site via Humble Store. I released all platforms on the same day, which was something I always wanted to try, and I have to say that it didn’t went as bad as I thought....

April 6, 2014 · 2 min · 309 words · David Amador