Converting the blog from WordPress to Hugo

Yesterday, I shutdown the VPS that has been hosting all my websites for the last ~10 years. I鈥檝e moved everything to static content, including this website. 馃摑 WordPress Since the very beginning (~2008) this blog has been powered by WordPress, it served me well, it worked, had a nice backend to make the posts, plugins and themes. After a couple years I moved from shared hosting to a VPS, I had other websites and services I needed running and all in same machine was better and cheaper....

January 27, 2024 路 6 min 路 1253 words 路 David Amador

How to make a clickable div

Making a clickable text or image is easy, just add the <a> tag surrounding it. But this doesn鈥檛 work with divs and sometimes we need a whole div to be clickable and not just text. The following code is for JQuery but switching it to your favorite JS framework should be very easy. First start by adding this to your div <div class="clickable"> </div> Now a little css to simulate the pointer on that div...

October 25, 2009 路 1 min 路 108 words 路 David Amador